Oracle DBA vs Oracle Developer
Many college students and working professionals are confused about what to choose Oracle DBA or Oracle Developer as a career. Read all three points below. 1) Check what you like ? Do you like programming then go for Oracle Developer and if you do not like programming much then go for DBA. Remember little coding / scripting knowledge is must for DBAs too for writing scripts for automation, alerts etc. Any IT fresher must know how to write program. 2) Second important point is to check job role of DBA and Developer below. Understand tasks what DBAs and Developers do. By understanding tasks one can easily understand about what is best fit for him / her. Oracle DBA Tasks Task of DBA Monitoring Health check of DB Performance Tuning Backup Recovery High Availability Cloud Management Patching Proactive and Reactive Maintenance Documentations DBA Challenges : 24×7 DB responsibility Mutilple DB and OS knowledge First direct DBA job is not easy DBA Advantages : More average salary Remote Work lead DBA / Architect Oracle Developer Tasks System study Requirement gatherings Application Development Application Debug Testing Deployment support Documentations Challenges : Freezing customer requirements Upgrading frequently High Attrition rate hence responsibilities to complete project in time Advantages Developers jobs are more compared to DBA jobs Sr Developer T/L Product / solutions Architect 3) If you are looking for salary, go for DBA. It has been seen that Oracle DBAs are getting better paid then Oracle Developer Please follow and like...
looking for job as a fresher in IT ?
IT Freshers are in biased mind that they will not get good opportunities or jobs after graduation hence major of them planning for abroad without knowing right approach to get good opportunities in India. When we plan to get VISA for any country, we have to fulfill what all required to get those VISA but we hardly care what employers / jobs are asking in a skill set. Please follow and like...
What school students should learn in computer ?
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